
Stand-alone ventilation

Fresh air is vital to our quality of life and well being. But as buildings become more airtight, fresh air circulation is much reduced. Daikin offers a variety of ventilation, air purification and large scale air handling solutions to help provide a fresh, healthy and comfortable environment in offices, hotels, stores and other commercial environments.

Why we need fresh air in buildings

As building regulations raise standards in the energy efficient design of buildings, insulation levels become much higher, reducing the heating and cooling demand in buildings. However, stale air can remain trapped and cause:

  • Need of oxigen
  • Greater risk of allergies
  • Odours lingering for longer
  • Increased condensation causing mould

Ventilation offers efficiencies

Fresh air ventilation removes stale air and offers free cooling, for a fresher indoor environment. It can also be integrated within a wider building climate control system for maximum energy efficiency.