Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I install a solar water heater?
Installing one ensures free hot water nearly all year long, immediately, without turning the heater on. Thus, we consume less electricity and we reduce the emissions.
When will my solar water heater investment depreciate?
The exact time depends on a number of factors such as the number of the users, the way of using, the area climate etc. Generally, for a four-member family in Greece, the depreciation time is estimated to 5-7 years.
Can I install a solar water heater on a tile roof?
All brands that we can provide have special support bases for tile roofs. One of the inclining sides of the roof should have the proper orientation.
What is the inverter air-conditioning?
Those air-conditions have a converter of a variable performance and according the desired inner temperature and the space temperature loss, they self-regulate their provided power.
What are the advantages of an inverter air-conditioning system?
- Economy. Depending on the machine type and the operating conditions, we have 25-50% less electricity consumption comparing to a normal air-condition of the same power.
- Fast efficiency. An inverter has the ability to achieve the desired temperature at the ¼ of the time of a common unit.
- Steady temperature. Self-regulating their power, inverters can maintain steady temperature with a ±0.2 °C deviation comparing with the ±2 °C of an ordinary unit.
- Inverters are especially powerful in heating and can operate in extremely low (below zero) outside temperatures.
Is it worth the extra cost of a good air-conditioning unit?
It sure is. According to official data from Panasonic, an inverter can save 50% electricity comparing to a common unit, which is the difference between a well-known brand of Energy Class A and a cheap Chinese device of obsolete technology. The money that we saved buying such a cheap device will be added perpetually while operating accordingly, for all its life span. Another important factor is the noise levels of the inner unit. 23-26 dB is the noise level of a good unit, while cheaper choices make 34-39 dB. Considering that by 3 dB the sound "duplicates" its power, we can realize that cheap devices are 3-4 times louder. If someone adds the credibility and the after sales service factor, then he realizes that buying a quality unit of current technology is a one-way option.
Why should I be connected with the gas network?
- It ensures 20% economy comparing to oil.
- It is environment-friendly.
- Because first we consume and then we pay the exact consumed quantity.
- No refueling or quantity checking is required.
- We gain space from the absence of a gas tank and we avoid the undesired fumes of the oil tank.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the in-floor heating?
- The advantages are the fuel economy, the uniform and steady residence temperature and the complete lack of radiators.
- There are, however, some constrictions at the materials that should be used and the way of applying the floor, the water/sewage pipes and the use of carpets.
In general, in-floor heating has overhang during turning on and off and it is suggested in big residencies in cold climates.
Can I install radiators in an already-built house?
Yes, assuming that there would be visible piping at the height of the kick plate. There is the capability to install a wall gas boiler if the residence is in the gas network or to construct a boiler room if the suitable space is provided for a boiler room and a tank.
Can I switch the existing oil heating system to gas?
Provided that an active gas pipe exists outside the house, the change is easy. Often only the heater needs changing to a gas one and rarely is a boiler-heater change necessary so that you can have gas heating with the advantages described above (question 7).