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CRISTAL 45, 76, 90
Closed firebox with steel structure and interior firebox covering in ECOKERAM® ceramic material.
Model that develops in height, slim, versatile and powerful, it has high heat efficiency and high flame luminosity. Glass clean even after several days use, low consumption and high efficiency.
The hot air can circulate due to natural convection of forced ventilation, by means of the kits prepared for ducting the air into adjacent with two flexible pipes.
Small fireplace with steel structure and interior firebox covering in ECOKERAM® ceramic material.
Horizontal version, particularly indicated to heat medium-large rooms. Glass clean even after several days use, low consumption and high efficiency.
The hot air can circulate due to natural convection of forced ventilation, by means of the kits prepared for ducting the air into adjacent with two flexible pipes.
Small fireplace in spite of the large dimensions of the fireplace opening, steel structure and interior firebox covering in ECOKERAM® ceramic material.
Model that allows to obtain a large view of the flame, suitable for heating several rooms and guarantee a balanced thermal gradient. Glass clean even after several days use, low consumption and high efficiency.
The hot air can circulate due to natural convection of forced ventilation, by means of the kits prepared for ducting the air into adjacent with four flexible pipes.
Edilkamin Flat 100 ,120
Flat 100
Flat 100 is the new design in the DREAM LIGHT line, the new firebox with the proportions of today and with very high efficiency and low consumption.
Flat 100 is equipped with the new revolutionary EWS Electronic Wood System, which allows to manage and program the efficiency of the fireplace in order to obtain the desired temperature, to select the functioning output and the heating air speed.
All of this with a flame made brighter by the interior ECOKERAM covering.
Flat 120
Closed firebox with modern design, steel structure and interior firebox covering in ECOKERAM® ceramic material.
Flat is a model that heat autonomously, also in several rooms, thus always guaranteeing efficient functioning. Glass clean even after several days use, low consumption and high efficiency.
The hot air can circulate due to natural convection of forced ventilation, by means of the kits prepared for ducting the air into adjacent with four flexible pipes.
Edilkamin Double
Two-face closed firebox with steel structure and interior firebox covering in ECOKERAM® ceramic material.
This model has two fire vents, allowing to admire the flame from different rooms. Glass clean even after several days use, low consumption and high efficiency.
The hot air can circulate due to natural convection of forced ventilation, by means of the kits prepared for ducting the air into adjacent with two flexible pipes.