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Edilkamin Idro 30 cs
Modern wood burning fireplaces with back boiler operation that replaces or works alongside traditional gas and oil boilers, allowing savings of up to 40% on heating costs. In addition to heating the whole house, they can produce hot water for domestic appliances. All models come with a rotisserie attachment.
• thick, robot welded steel structure
• automatic smoke by-pass control mechanism
• Ceramic glass resistant to thermal shock up to 800 °C.
• air combustion adjustment damper.
Available in 2 versions: open tank closed tank (CS) with incorporated coil and safety valve.
Idro 30/CS single door.
Edilkamin Idro 70
• thick, robot welded steel structure
• automatic smoke by-pass control mechanism
• Ceramic glass resistant to thermal shock up to 800 °C.
• air combustion adjustment damper.
Idro 70 two doors.
• thick, robot welded steel structure
• automatic smoke by-pass control mechanism
• Ceramic glass resistant to thermal shock up to 800 °C.
• air combustion adjustment damper.
Idro 100 two doors.
Edilkamin Acquatonto
Acquatondo Plus 22
Thick steel fireplace heating system able to power the heating system with radiators and the domestic hot water system. Equipped with flat all-glass front, sliding door. Can be positioned on the wall or in a corner.
Available also in version for installation with closed vessel with coil and safety valve incorporated.
Acquatondo Plus 29
Thick steel fireplace heating system able to power the heating system with radiators and the domestic hot water system. Equipped with flat all-glass front, sliding door. Can be positioned on the wall or in a corner.
Available also in version for installation with closed vessel with coil and safety valve incorporated.
Acquatondo 22, 29 Prismatic
Acquatondo 22 Prismatic
Thick steel fireplace heating system able to power the heating system with radiators and the domestic hot water system. Equipped with prismatic, front sliding door. Can be positioned on the wall or in a corner.
Acquatondo 29 Prismatic
Thick steel fireplace heating system able to power the heating system with radiators and the domestic hot water system. Equipped with prismatic, front sliding door. Can be positioned on the wall or in a corner.
Available also in version for installation with closed vessel with coil and safety valve incorporated.
Thermofire Flat Door
Wood burning fireplace heating system with steel structure and firebox in refractory material. Thermofire powers the radiator system and produces domestic hot water by means of the relevant kit. The water is heated by the combustion products that pass over the shell and tube heat exchanger, situated above the firebox.
The high temperature reached in the refractory firebox guarantees high efficiency, low emissions into the atmosphere, low wood consumption and the glass always clean.
Version with flat glass door.
Thermofire Flat Hatch
Thermofire Flat Hatch
Wood burning fireplace heating system with steel structure and firebox in refractory material. Thermofire powers the radiator system and produces domestic hot water by means of the relevant kit. The water is heated by the combustion products that pass over the shell and tube heat exchanger, situated above the firebox.
The high temperature reached in the refractory firebox guarantees high efficiency, low emissions into the atmosphere, low wood consumption and the glass always clean.
Version with vertical sliding door with flat glass.
Edilkamin H2Oceano 15kW
Wood thermo fireplace with boiler that fully surrounds the hearth, increasing the heat exchange surface.
3 models in 2 versions: 14.8/22.2/27.8 kW with open tank (optional 4-way valve for transformation to closed tank) and with closed CS tank (with built-in thermal relief coil).
Edilkamin H2Oceano 23kW
Wood thermo fireplace with boiler that fully surrounds the hearth, increasing the heat exchange surface.
3 models in 2 versions: 14.8/22.2/27.8 kW with open tank (optional 4-way valve for transformation to closed tank) and with closed CS tank (with built-in thermal relief coil).
Edilkamin H2Oceano 28kW
Wood thermo fireplace with boiler that fully surrounds the hearth, increasing the heat exchange surface.
3 models in 2 versions: 14.8/22.2/27.8 kW with open tank (optional 4-way valve for transformation to closed tank) and with closed CS tank (with built-in thermal relief coil).