Incalzire » Radiatoare » Πετσετοκρεμάστρες
Hedria by Thermic
HEDRIA type HDM & HDRM [ straight and curved bathroom radiator ]
Horizontal, round (Ø 19 mm).
Vertical, D-profile (34 x 34 mm).
VALVE SET (in option)
THERMIC-designer-valve set (1MM8) 2 x 1/2” inner thread including
luxury thermostatic head.
- Standard universal connection (1MM8).
- 6 x 1/2” (vertical), MM, 18, 81, 45*, 54*.
* In this case, a special flow tube has to be ordered separately.
Supply is standard on the right and return on the left. Reversion of
supply and return is possible
Type HD(R)M is standard delivered with a folding chrome plated
drying and stacking rack.
- The horizontal tubes of type HDRM are bent slightly (10°).
- Type HDM is also available as free-standing radiator.
Atte ntion: in this case you can only use the new straight designer
valve set MM (01434).
- Type HD(R)M is also available with electrical element.
Colo urs
- Standard colour is RAL 9016 (Traffic white).
- Other available colours.
- Type HD(R)M is not available in the colour M350 (stainless steel
10 years garantie
Ponti by Thermic
HX (straight).
Horizontal, round 24 mm.
Vertical, rectangular, 56 x 34 x 2 mm.
HX (vertical): wall mounting.
E lectrically laser welded (invisible weld seams),
KTL priming coat, powder coating.
operating pressure
10 bar (standard).
valve set (in option)
Designer valve set 1MM8 + designer valve set 1-8 in option.
Standard universal connection (1MM8), 6 x 1/2”
(vertical), MM, 18, 81, 45, 54.
S tock radiators: 1MM8.
Possibility to change supply and return.
Flow tube must be in the supply (standard right).
Connection 45: order a special flow tube.
Largo Chrome by Thermic
Thermic VRVS1
Radiatoarele VRVS sunt fabricate din tevi de otel rotunde, cu diametrul de 15 mm (modelul mini) si 22 mm (modelul maxi), dispuse vertical si 2 colectori rotunzi, cu diametrul de 35 x 2 mm, dispusi orizontal. Radiatoarele VRVS se livreaza cu un singur rand de elementi (VRVS1) sau cu doua randuri de elementi (VRVS2).
Modelul VRVS prezinta oglinda integrata,cu latimea de 160 mm.
Inaltime: 1800 mm.
Latime:493 mm
Putere:1000 W pentru 90/70/20 grade.
Presiunea de functionare este de 10 bar.
Culorile standard:alb (RAL 9016)
Temperatura de regim maxima este de 110 grade.
Sunt sudate electric cu laserul, neavand urme vizibile.
Radiatoarele sunt degresate, tratate cu fosfat de fier pasivizat, grunduite folosind electroforeza ( baie KTL ) si apoi uscate la o temperatura de 200 grade. In cele din urma, fiecare radiator este vopsit prin pulverizare electrostatica cu epoxy � poliester si emailat la 230 grade.
Radiatoarele VRVS se pot livra doar in versiune murala.
Racordurile de ���, 1 ventil de aerisire (dezaerator) de ���, dopul ��� si consolele de prindere sunt livrate gratuit.
Performantele termice ale caloriferelor, sunt verificate si conforme cu standardele europene: DIN EN ISO 9001 si DIN EN 442.